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Chokra's Selection of Freeware

Ha! I bet this is the first section you checked out on this site. I know your type, you cheap, two-bit-worth cretin. You're looking for something free to take back home so that you can tell your grandchildren sixty years from now, "You know kids, once I visited this strange website where I got a some stuff for free...well, guess what? You're just like ME! I too, am constantly searching the net for free downloads.

In fact, this page resulted from my frustation of spending long hours surfing the net searching for quality free software. And because of that you don't have to search far and wide. You get the best of the best right here (ain't it cool?) You certainly won't be disappointed because here is a collection of some of the gems that I have come across during my voyages on the world wide web and all are FREE, so download to your hearts content.

PLEASE NOTE : All downloads featured in this section are for Windows 95/98/Me users.
Some of the programs featured here are in ZIP format and would require you to have a compression (zip/unzip) utility. There are quite a few good compression utilities available like Winzip, WinRAR, PowerArchiver 2001, PKzip, etc. If you don't already have any of these you can download a FREE zip utility called Quickzip from http://quickzip.ifroggy.com/ .

I recommend using any of the download managers like Getright, Go!Zilla, Flashget, etc. to download any software. You can get a free (adware) version of Getright from http://www.getright.com

All downloads featured here are in their latest versions as of September 2001.

Enter The Free Downloads Section by clicking on the links below

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